To my sixteen year old self I want you to know it was just an event and not your entire life story:

Here are ten things to help you move forward . . .


  1. Be yourself; fitting in is overrated.
  2. Everyday say something nice about yourself, even if you don’t believe today.
  3. Act on those crazy ideas such as writing poetry, sending it off to be published.
  4. Introduce yourself to people; you have so much to offer.  Stop being shy when you really aren’t; just afraid of being rejected.
  5. Dance, dance, dance even if you are off beat (create your own beat!)
  6. Don’t let people talk you out of your dreams, sometimes they are simply afraid because their dreams didn’t come true.
  7. When you “fail” know it really isn’t failure, it is an opportunity to learn and improve for the next time.
  8. Don’t settle!
  9. It’s okay to say no.
  10. Love you, you are the example of how others should treat you.


I love you sixteen year old Thecia!