#SocialChallenge Day 2: I Just Don’t Like @docprints


When I was about 7 years old I was playing marbles and one of my marbles rolled under a piece of tin. When I picked it up there was what appeared to be a 10 foot snake. As I screamed bloody murder, my uncle came outside and shoot it with a shotgun. We were on my Grandfather’s Farm at the time.


I few almost around the world when I was in the military. Even on planes that refueled in the air. That’s a very dangerous event. Sometimes siding next to doors that seemed like they could fly open at any time. I was on a military plane where you are seated and fly backwards. And I never had any fear at all. After getting out of the military, I was on two planes that had major problems and had to make emergency landing with heads in laps, all lights out, nose dive with people screaming. I know you are thinking, we all have to leave here. True That. But in my opinion there are better ways!


I had been in foxholes & very confined areas with my time in the military. But it wasn’t until years later when working for federal express that learn that I no longer look at being a tight space the same. I had to take a MRI after pinching a nerve in my back. After sitting in this “coffin-like” contraption for an hour and not being able to move. It was clear to me that I had some issues with claustrophobia. After going back to work with a much-improved back from a great chiropractor. I made the mistake of telling one of my customers that one of my biggest fears was one day stuck on an elevator (the power of the tongue). Low and behold two days later I was making delivers in one of the tallest buildings in downtown Houston and the elevator stopped. I was stuck with a lady who had no idea that I was going crazy inside. And that if she made any sudden movement I could tear that elevator up. Not wanting to reveal my fear I manage to keep a straight face for almost an hour before they were able to get us out. I prayed the entire hour for God to keep me mellow. Another great example of pray working in my life! So don’t be surprised if you see me taking the stairs…