
30 Day Blogging Challenge

#SocialChallenge Day 20: 3 Things I Remember About My Childhood

My fondest childhood memory is holidays in the country at my mom’s parents.  My grandparents lived in a / bedroom house deep in the country.  My mom had 11 siblings do we were a large family. I don’t know how… Continue Reading →

#SocialCHALLENGE Day 20 3 Childhood Memories

I remember when santa claus was real. Waking up early to watch disney channel. Not caring what I was going to wear.

#Socialchallenge Day 20: 3 Things From My Childhood

Miley Cyrus Song Me Happy Birthday I Went to Pump It Up A Lot I Used to surf down the stairs on clothes tote tops

#Socialchallenge day 19: Beautiful Places I Wouldn’t Mind Calling Home

#Socialchallenge day 19: Beautiful Places I Wouldn’t Mind Calling Home I am a full blown Nature gal. I love people and the city but when it comes to LIVING I’d rather be around God’s awesome creatures and creations. 3 places… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 19: Where Would I Want To Live

I would want to live in New York. Because it’s seems like a lot of fun. And it seems like there’s a lot of fashionable people and clothes there.

Social Challenge Day 19; Beautiful places I would love to call home

Back in the 90s I travelled extensively as a Trainer/District Manager for a pharmaceutical company.  We played a game at one of our many meetings where we had to pull a question out of a box and answer it.  My… Continue Reading →

Social Challenge Day 18; The hardest thing I ever had to forgive

My ex husband after our 3rd divorce.  I tried really hard to make our marriage work as I married him 3 times.  The last time things got really bad and I felt like he betrayed me and I had lost… Continue Reading →

#SocialCHALLENGE Day 19 Where Would I Live

I would like to live in Rome because it because it seems like a beautiful place to live.

#SocialChallenge Day 19: I’d like to call Ghana . . . Home Sweet Home

I have a desire to call Ghana (West Africa), my home at least for a season.  I have never been, but the pictures and the friends I have made with people from there are enticing me to visit and stay… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 19: Beautiful Places I Wouldn’t Mind Calling Home

#SocialChallenge Day 18: The Most Difficult Thing I Have Had To Forgive Oh this one is fresh as I am going through a divorce. I had to forgive my ex husband. It was painful but God asked me to and… Continue Reading →

#SocialCHALLENGE DAY 18 Hardest Thing I Have Had To Forgive

One of the hardest things I have had to forgive is when my brother at my last piece of pie, that I clearly marked as mine. Didn’t talk to him for 2 days couldn’t believe he had ate my last… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge a Day 18: Something that was Difficult To Forgive

When my brother took my food. When My brother ate my food, I was upset, lol and I held a gruge. He always goes in the fridge looking for leftovers. Ugh. That was a tough time for me.

#SocialChallenge Day 17: What Quinstin Wishes He Was Good At

I wish I was naturally talented at drawing.

#socialchallenge day 17: What I Wish I was Good At

#socialchallenge day 17: What I Wish I was Good At This one is probably going to be the shortest post ever… I wish I was good at organizing, specifically my room lol I “organize” it one day and the next… Continue Reading →

Playing the piano.  I took piano lessons when I was young and I stopped to play baseball.  I regret not sticking with it.

#SocialChallenge Day 17: What Is One thing I Wish I was a Great At.

Hmmm. I wish I was great at speaking Spanish/French that’s a Language That comes in handy!

I have always loved to play keys but I’m really rusty. Whenever I hear someone playing I want to go buy a new piano.  

#SocialChallenge Day 16 my 5 Accomplishments

1. Being able to Play The Piano. 2. Being able to Sing 3. Being able to Write Songs 4. Teaching my first Class 5. Being able to act.

#SocialChallenge day 16: My 5 Greatest Accomplishments

#SocialChallenge day 16: My 5 Greatest Accomplishments I love this question because it gives me an opportunity to congratulate myself, which is always a good thing. 1. Never EVER tried nor will I ever try Drugs.  Why is this a… Continue Reading →

Social Challenge Day 16: My 5 greatest accomplishments

1.  Becoming a mother.                           2.  Helping my daughter raise her boys.                                … Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 16: Quinstins Greatest Accomplishments

Graduated 5th Grade Played little league basketball (did not score 1 point) Went Fishing (did not catch one fish) I learned How to build Websites When I Was 8 Workin on It

#SocialChallenge Day 16: I’m Proud of… #accomplishments

Giving birth to my children. Starting my own business. Houston’s Top 25 Social Media Agencies. Marrying the love of my life. Meeting the President & First Lady of the United States

#SocialCHALLENGE Day 16 5 Greatest accomplishments

Making the drumline as a freshman learning how to read music making the basketball team being in college learning how to write music

#SocialChallenge day 15: What Animal Would I Be

#SocialChallenge day 15: What Animal Would I Be Oh this one is a tough one because I totally LOVE animals. But if I must choose one I would be the LIGER hahaha JK. You Napoleon Dynamite fans will get that… Continue Reading →

#SocialCHALLENGE Day15 What Animal Would I Be

The Animal I would be is a Eagle because they are just one of the most amazing birds that ever flew in the sky.

Social Challenge Day 15: If I were an animal what would I be and why?

I would be an eagle.  All other birds seek shelter during a storm.  And eagle can fly above the clouds and soar even during a storm.  My high school mascot is an eagle and we always prided ourselves on being… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 15: I Am A VULTURE :(

Like most birds of prey, vultures love to travel. They particularly favor long trips and are always on the lookout for business opportunities. Even when vacationing with family, a vulture would interrupt the trip if they spied a chance to… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 15: I’m a Penguin, which animal instincts do you have?

See which animal you are at:

#SocialChallenge Day 15: If I Were a Animal…..

I’d have to be a monkey. Only because First off, I act like one. Lol, KIDDING! I have lots of energy, And I love bananas. It’s really just because my personality, I’m really active and crazy. Lol.

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