
Denise Rena Jolivette

Social challenge day 21; If I had a superpower

I would make sure that EVERYONE could live, at the very least, a comfortable life.  All basic necessities would be met.

#SocialChallenge Day 20: 3 Things I Remember About My Childhood

My fondest childhood memory is holidays in the country at my mom’s parents.  My grandparents lived in a / bedroom house deep in the country.  My mom had 11 siblings do we were a large family. I don’t know how… Continue Reading →

Playing the piano.  I took piano lessons when I was young and I stopped to play baseball.  I regret not sticking with it.

Social Challenge Day 16: My 5 greatest accomplishments

1.  Becoming a mother.                           2.  Helping my daughter raise her boys.                                … Continue Reading →

Social Challenge Day 15: If I were an animal what would I be and why?

I would be an eagle.  All other birds seek shelter during a storm.  And eagle can fly above the clouds and soar even during a storm.  My high school mascot is an eagle and we always prided ourselves on being… Continue Reading →

1.  Encouraging others.                           2.  Cooking.                                            … Continue Reading →

1.Starting projects and taking my time only to stress about finishing at the last minute.  I really hate that about myself.                                      … Continue Reading →

#Social Challenge Day 11: 10 Pet Peeves

1.  People who gossip!                               2.  People who thrive on drama!              3.

#Social Challenge a Day 9: 10 people who have influenced me and why

1.  My 20 year old self.  I had just graduated from college and the world was mine for the taking.  I was an over achiever, very confident, and filled with hopes and dreams.  Then life happened.  I often wanted to… Continue Reading →

#Social Challenge Day 8: My Passions

1. I am REALLY passionate about telling my story.  It consumes all of my thought process.  Maybe because I know that my purpose is attached to it. 2. Being a good mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, friend.  I love… Continue Reading →

#Social Challenge Day 5; 5 things that make me most happy now

1.  Feeling good!  When you have a chronic illness you live for the days when there is no pain.  On those days you try to forget the illness and do as much living as you possibly can.      … Continue Reading →

#Social Challenge Day #4; 10 things I would tell my 16 year old self

1. My relationship with God is the most important relationship I will ever have.  All other relationships should be entered into asking myself if this would be something that God would approve of.                    … Continue Reading →

#Social Challenge Day 3: My relationship with my parents

I have always had a great relationship with my parents. I have always been a daddy’s girl as I’m the oldest of three and the only girl.  My dad wasn’t a very educated man but he was a very wise… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 2: I am so afraid of @Dee_Rena

1. My greatest fear is, like Portia, the possibility of not fulfilling my purpose before I leave this earth. Many years ago I prayed for God to use me and I didn’t realize he was by allowing me to suffer… Continue Reading →

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