#SocialChallenge Day 13: 5 weaknesses
For the sake of speaking life and walking my talk, I’ll call my weaknesses delivered from me cause that’s just how awesome God is.
I believe God is always asking us to improve on a daily basis. Below are the 5 things God is helping me overcome.
1. More Patience
I mean LOTS of patience. I had none before I met Christ and today it seems like He wants to load me up on it lol. #ThankyouJesus
2. Mind Chatter
I am at a whole nother level in my thought process than I was a couple years ago but this is a NEVER ending transformation. Every day the Lord is helping me re-new my mind, casting out strongholds and replacing them with FAITH seeds.
3. Health/Fitness
I used to struggle with emotional eating most of my life. Today I struggle no more but everyday I have to remember how far I have come and CONTINUE to go further. The Lord helped me overcome this bondage and I will write a book soon so that others can be delivered too.
4. Zip it Up/Delete
I can totally talk your ear off. The Lord wants me to listen more, so I am. And the talkative thing also plays a big role on social media, as I constantly analyze if me posting a certain thing will add to the kingdom and my life.
5. Asking for Prayer
I know we can pray on our own behalf and I always do but there is power when 2 or more come together. Part of my ministry is praying for women, I forget to ask for prayer too.