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10 things I would tell my 16 year old self… Wow this one is a thinker. 1. First and foremost I would tell myself to pay attention to God. I was an atheist for a long time and it was… Continue Reading →
1. Don’t Lose Your Fashion Style 2. Don’t Change Your Attitude 3. Stay Positive 4. Follow your Dreams 5. Don’t Give up On What you want most for what you want now 6. HAVE THE BEST SWEET SIXTEEN PARTY 7…. Continue Reading →
To my sixteen year old self I want you to know it was just an event and not your entire life story: Here are ten things to help you move forward . . . Be yourself; fitting in is… Continue Reading →
It’s amazing that when we are growing up that so many times we don’t see the value of the lessons we are learning from our parents. I am the oldest of four and so often thought my parents were being… Continue Reading →
Well my mom has passed but before that I had a love for my mom that was out of this world. Even though I seen her in and out of my life because of her choices. But overall it wasn’t… Continue Reading →
Hey 16 year old Lila! 1. Love yourself! Because at the end of the day that is the one thing that only really matters! 2. You are so special! God made you in His own image and when He looks… Continue Reading →
1. Stay in school 2. Leave the boys alone there brains develop slower. (proven fact) 3. Let someone find you that loves you better then you yourself 4. Avoid men that stay in the mirror more then you. 5. Try… Continue Reading →
Describe your relationship with your parents My Momma I was raised by my mother. I’m her one and only child. Yes, I’m spoiled. I watched my mother work anywhere from 10-12 and sometimes 15 hours a day so that I… Continue Reading →
I love an respect my folks. I have a very different relationship with my family at the moment but love is still the guiding force behind it all. My mother is one cool chick. She is crazy too. If you… Continue Reading →
I have always had a great relationship with my parents. I have always been a daddy’s girl as I’m the oldest of three and the only girl. My dad wasn’t a very educated man but he was a very wise… Continue Reading →
Father: I love my dad. He wasn’t always in our lives but when He was, he instilled timeless principles into our lives. Because of him I have the love of the outdoors and traveling. When he would pick us up,… Continue Reading →
Like all adults, my relationship with my parents has evolved over the years. I would define our relationship today as pretty good, but room for improvement as with anything. I am very proud of the way my parents raised me… Continue Reading →
#SocialChallenge Day 3: My Parents @docprints My. Parents where very hard working people. Great examples in my life. I am thankful for everything I learned from them. I am also thankful for the manny sacrifices that were made in raising… Continue Reading →
My Parents! Well, this is a mouth full. My Mom was so loving and had so much compassion for people. She loved to cook and feed everyone. Her door was always open. I could tell her my deepest secret and… Continue Reading →
Fear is an immobilizer; if you allow it to be. I spent years; and yes even have moments on a weekly basis now dealing with fear. The fear of not fully living out potential, not being my best self and… Continue Reading →
I am not afraid of much but there are 3 things that DO scare me. 1. Roaches This fear was embedded into my young mind when I watched the movie Nightmare on Elm Street. Why I was allowed to watch… Continue Reading →
Three legitimate fears I have are: 1. Rodents: I do not like mice or rats. I guess I would say I have a fear of them. I don’t really know where this fear evolved from or if there was one… Continue Reading →
#SocialChallenge Day 2: I Just Don’t Like @docprints SNAKES When I was about 7 years old I was playing marbles and one of my marbles rolled under a piece of tin. When I picked it up there was what appeared… Continue Reading →
1. My greatest fear is anything bad happening to my Family. I know things happen so Fast! And anything could happen at anytime, so that’s why I always keep God first, and ask Him to Watch over us all. 2…. Continue Reading →
1. My greatest fear is, like Portia, the possibility of not fulfilling my purpose before I leave this earth. Many years ago I prayed for God to use me and I didn’t realize he was by allowing me to suffer… Continue Reading →
This must be a Trick Post!! I’m a fraidy cat~ no really I am afraid of a lot of nothingness! I am obviously afraid of amphibians I have no idea where this fear comes from but the owner can have… Continue Reading →
1. I love the outdoors although the outdoors loathe me.2. I have chronic allergies and sinuses. Thanks Houston. -_-3. I miss my mommy every day.4. I am a professional bum; I have references.5. Gelato makes me happy.6. I studied abroad… Continue Reading →
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