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Things That Get Under My Skin

Things That Get Under My Skin 1. People Who Are Never On Time. 2. People who are always talking about other people. 3. Sharing something personal with someone and hearing it repeated. 4. People not keeping their word. 5. People kicking me… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenges Day 11: 10 Pet Peeves I Have

My 10 Pet Peeves (in no particular order) 1. Being late (I am working diligently on this!) 2. Mean, hateful people 3. Bad kids (I lovingly do on the spot corrections) 4. Ignorance in any form 5. Prejudice based on… Continue Reading →

#SocialCHALLENGE 10 Pet Peeves I Have

Losing Lebron James people saying lebron is better than kobe wearing no socks People who talk to me while im wearing headphones having to talk loud having to talk in a crowded place walking for a long time not being… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 11: MY PET PEAVES

1. When I’m watching my favorite show, ” the vampire diaries” and brother coins un sand says ” I call picking next” . 2. When someone burps SO LOUD! 3. When someone puts there gum on a plate then puts… Continue Reading →

#Social Challenge Day 10: My most embarrassing moment

About a month ago I was sitting in a daiquiri shop with a lot of friends.  This guy, whose special and loved by everyone, was talking to me and he tried to kiss me.  As I pulled away he moved… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 10: My Most Embarrassing Moment

#SocialChallenge Day 10: My Most Embarrassing Moment Oh gosh I have had soooooo many embarrassing moments I don’t know which one to pick! lol My MOST memorable embarrassing moment was when I was in 4th grade. Recess was my favorite… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 10: JusNya’s Most Embarrassing Moments

When I’m in the movie theater and I’m eating pop corn. And it’s a quiet part and everyone hears me munching.

#socialchallenge Day 10:Quinstins Most Embarrassing Moment

My Most Embarrassing Moment My most embarrassing moment was when was like 7 years old before I was Home Schooled, I  was at school. It was recess Everyone was playing outside when I Suddenly Had to GO do #2 so i ask… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Most Embarrassing Moment

My most embarrassing is when I playing basketball and I missed a wide open shop.

embarrassing moments Wow! My most embarrassing moment cam on Monday, August 4, 2014, when my daughter announce to her 7:00 A.M. Motivational Call of my singing abilities. Funny but not funny! I think I sing very well, in the shower… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 10: Always Make Sure Your Back Is Covered @theciajenkins

It was a cold morning I was walking my usual route to school, head down and consumed with thoughts.  As I passed my peers I could hear snickers; which made me walk faster. I had a sweater on, but I… Continue Reading →

#Social Challenge a Day 9: 10 people who have influenced me and why

1.  My 20 year old self.  I had just graduated from college and the world was mine for the taking.  I was an over achiever, very confident, and filled with hopes and dreams.  Then life happened.  I often wanted to… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 9: I am Influenced by..

#socialchallenge day 9: Name 10 people who influence you 1. Me when I was 3. I know it may seem weird for me to be influenced by my former 3 year old self but it reminds me of my true… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 9: Those Who Have Influenced Me @beingracheln

Ten People who have influenced me and describe how 1. God-I don’t think I have to describe how or why 2. My Mother-She has always been my inspiration, source of strength 3. Reeshemah Homles-She taught me how to look at… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 9: 10 People that Influence Quinstin

Jimmy Iovine Portia Chandler Mark Zuckerberg  Steve Jobs Mark Crilly 50 Cents Eric Schmidt Jack Dorsey Warren Buffett Marissa Mayer

#SocialChallenge Day 9: 10 people who infuence me

Mom because she gave birth to me Dad because he gives me a house Reggie Miller favorite basketball player Kanye West favorite producer Kevin Durant second my second best basketball player J.Dilla great producer The Neptunes great music producers The… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 9: 10 People That Influence Me.

1. My mother of coarse, because she has taught me so much in my 13 years in living. 2. My father, because He teaches me A LOT of life lessons. 3. I Influnce ME. Because I’m always making myself Laugh… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 9: 10 People Who Influenced Me

Ten who have influenced me: 1. My Great-Grandmother, Lila King – she was kind-hearted and gave me sound advice that inspired me to act and not give up on myself despite what trials I face in my life. 2. My… Continue Reading →

Day 9 from Hopelees to Hope

Day 9. 10 people who influenced your life & why This could be hard but let’s make KISS! I should start with God the Father, Jesus the Son and The Holy Spirit the Third person in the Trinity. That would… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 8: 5 Passions @iamjusnya

1. To be an Amazing Recording Artist One Day. 2. A ver Successful Actress 3. To help the world in some kind of way. 4. To do what God has Called me to do in this Life. 5. To stay… Continue Reading →

#socialchallenge day 8: I am Passionate about…

#socialchallenge day 8: What are 5 things you are passionate about?   1. The Father. The Son. The Holy Spirit. = God I am totally and completely in Love with the one who set me free. There is no greater… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 8: What are Quinstins Passions

I’m passionate about creating creative art that people like to enjoy. I also passionate about thinking of new innovative ways to make websites look better Being a better person (walking closer with God) Improving on things that I’m weak in Having… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge day 8: 5 Passions That Drive Me

Making new music Sports Food Family Food

#SocialChallenge Day 8: 5 Passions That Drive Me

1. To be a good wife. When I truly learned the role of a wife, I realized it’s a huge responsibility. A juggling act of sorts because I have to still be the woman God has called me to be… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 8: What are My Passions

1. To be an Amazing Recording Artist One Day. 2. A very Successful Actress 3. To help the world in some kind of way. 4. To do what God has Called me to do in this Life. 5. To stay… Continue Reading →

#Social Challenge Day 8: My Passions

1. I am REALLY passionate about telling my story.  It consumes all of my thought process.  Maybe because I know that my purpose is attached to it. 2. Being a good mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, friend.  I love… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 8: I’m passionate about people #askportia

So if you already hadn’t figured out,  I’m a people watcher.  I love to look at people.  See what they are all about,  what makes them go,  excited,  upset.  I like to know the back story, without the drama.  The… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 8: I’M PASSIONATE ABOUT ….

#SocialChallenge Day 8: I’M PASSIONATE ABOUT …. 1.To walk closer with The Lord. 2. Change my old habits to live a life pleasing to The Lord. 3. To help someone along the way. 4. To have enough finances to help… Continue Reading →

#Social Challenge Day 7: My Dream Job

My dream job would be to travel and share my story, after my book is published.  I really feel a tugging on me to finish this book and take my story on the road to encourage hurting women to let… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 7: Quinstins dream Job

My Dream job Would be Making money Doing What I Love To Do most… PLAY VIDEO GAMES

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