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#SocialChallenge Day 16: Quinstins Greatest Accomplishments

Graduated 5th Grade Played little league basketball (did not score 1 point) Went Fishing (did not catch one fish) I learned How to build Websites When I Was 8 Workin on It

#SocialChallenge Day 16: I’m Proud of… #accomplishments

Giving birth to my children. Starting my own business. Houston’s Top 25 Social Media Agencies. Marrying the love of my life. Meeting the President & First Lady of the United States

#SocialCHALLENGE Day 16 5 Greatest accomplishments

Making the drumline as a freshman learning how to read music making the basketball team being in college learning how to write music

#SocialChallenge day 15: What Animal Would I Be

#SocialChallenge day 15: What Animal Would I Be Oh this one is a tough one because I totally LOVE animals. But if I must choose one I would be the LIGER hahaha JK. You Napoleon Dynamite fans will get that… Continue Reading →

#SocialCHALLENGE Day15 What Animal Would I Be

The Animal I would be is a Eagle because they are just one of the most amazing birds that ever flew in the sky.

Social Challenge Day 15: If I were an animal what would I be and why?

I would be an eagle.  All other birds seek shelter during a storm.  And eagle can fly above the clouds and soar even during a storm.  My high school mascot is an eagle and we always prided ourselves on being… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 15: I Am A VULTURE :(

Like most birds of prey, vultures love to travel. They particularly favor long trips and are always on the lookout for business opportunities. Even when vacationing with family, a vulture would interrupt the trip if they spied a chance to… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 15: I’m a Penguin, which animal instincts do you have?

See which animal you are at:

#SocialChallenge Day 15: If I Were a Animal…..

I’d have to be a monkey. Only because First off, I act like one. Lol, KIDDING! I have lots of energy, And I love bananas. It’s really just because my personality, I’m really active and crazy. Lol.

#socialchallenge day 14: My 5 Superwoman Traits

#socialchallenge day 14: Describe 5 Strengths You Have 1. My Unrealistic Positivity Oh yeah, I AM one of those Happy Peppy People. You know, the one where your car can be breaking down in the middle of the freeway and… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 14: Five Strengths I Have

Six Strengths I Have Patience-I practice patience on a regualr basis to stay sane Tolerance-I come to tolerate many things. But I will let you know when you are out of line Reliance-I’ve been down more times than I’ve been… Continue Reading →

1.  Encouraging others.                           2.  Cooking.                                            … Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 14: 5 Of Quinstins Strengths

Cooking. Technology. I keep vasoline on deck at all time. I can work in a team setting. Website Building.

#SocialChallenge Day 14: My Five Strengths

1. God 2. Family 3. Personality 4. Keeping a positive mind 5. Purpose

#SocialCHALLENGE 5 Strengths

I like to eat a lot of food I can read music I play sports I can sleep for a long time I can put stuff together

1.Starting projects and taking my time only to stress about finishing at the last minute.  I really hate that about myself.                                      … Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 13: 5 weaknesses For the sake of speaking life and walking my talk, I’ll call  my weaknesses delivered from me cause that’s just how awesome God is. I believe God is always asking us to improve on a… Continue Reading →

#SocialCHALLENGE 5 Weakness

Food Music T.V Being destracted easily  Being lazy

#SocialChallenge Day 13: Quinstins Weaknesses

New Gadgets Chapped Lips All the Time  Long Fingernails Claw Toe Nails I Dress like a old man

#SocialChallenge Day 13: 5 Of JusNya’s Weaknesses

I’m telling the truth… FOOD Is My FIRST Only because it’s my WORST. I’m eating all the time! When I Wake Up, When I’m Working, When I’m Watching TV. 2. Lotion & Perfumes etc. I’m Always Putting On Lotion Or… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 12: A Day In the Life Of… @dreamlifelivin

#SocialChallenge Day 12: My Typical Day  I’ll give you my Mon-Friday “Routine” for the sake of simplicity and I state routine loosely because my day schedule can change from week to week. I am going to be very thorough because… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 12: Ah Day In The Life Of Quinstin

Wake up……..Brush My Teeth….Get On The Computer……… Work………Playgames…… EAT……. Go to sleep…….Wake Up…….Brush My Teeth….Get On The Computer……… Work………Playgames…… EAT

#SocialCHALLENGE A Typical Day In My Life

A typical day in my life is, I wake up brush my teeth, wash my face, look at my Ipad, sit and stare a wall for awhile, eat breakfast, get ready to take my online class. Finish online class then… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 12: Typical Day For Me… Hmmm

Working through the day doing a little bit of everything – Working.. Working on some music playing the keyboard. Watching a little bit of TV. – The Vampire Diaries. Being Productive In Anyway Positive.  

#SocialChallenge Day 12: Blissfully #ADD & #doingitBIG @askportia

A day in the life of Portia Chandler, feels more like a a year "immersed in the mind" of Portia Chandler. To be candid, I believe that the most phenomenal things I have experienced/accomplished take place or at least have been attempted in my head long before I'm brave enough to do it in the natural. As a result, I spending the majority of my days in my head- existing merely on thoughts, potential, the unknown, the strategy. - Portia Chandler

A day in the life of Portia Chandler, feels more like a a year “immersed in the mind” of Portia Chandler. To be candid, I believe that the most phenomenal things I have experienced/accomplished take place or at least have… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 11: I Can’t Stand It When…. @askportia

#1 I absolutely detest foul smells & people who break wind in my presence! (Yuck & Shame On YOU!) # 2 I kind of itch around people who take themselves too serious, too deep to have an intelligent conversation. #… Continue Reading →

#SocialChallenge Day 11: Quinces Pet Peeves

Asking for my wifi passcode  – dont do it asking for some of my food after I offered to get you the same thing X( X( Eating some of my food without my permission ~that’s just disrespectful and deserves consequences… Continue Reading →

#Social Challenge Day 11: 10 Pet Peeves

1.  People who gossip!                               2.  People who thrive on drama!              3.

#SocialChallenge Day 11: ANNOYING!

  #SocialChallenge Day 11: 10 Pet Peeves  Oh I should say I don’t get annoyed but I do lol I would like to thank God for helping me with all of these but in the mean time….   1. Victim… Continue Reading →

Day 11 YEP!

Day 11. Pet peeves. (10) KISS 1. Leaving the toilet seat. Don’t they know, you’re running to the bathroom, in the dark with no time to check! 2. On the other side, people flush and don’t make sure everything is… Continue Reading →

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